2009 was a good year for special effects, with Avatar, Harry Potter's 6th installment and Star trek.
Star Trek is my favorite film of 09, Avatar was good but without the special effects it would suck! and it was over-hyped and overrated. Star Trek deserved it praise, it was well cast, had the main characters and knock out SFX!
I liked Chris Pine as James Kirk, if only William Shatner had made a cameo, that would have been epic!!! but Leonard Nimoy was in it as future Spock, so that was great.
The plot is that Nero comes back in time, his arrival disrupts the continuum and creates an alternate reality, allowing director JJ Abrams to do whatever he wants, and he did it with style. awesome, awesome film.
Zachery Quinto (Sylar from the now canned Heroes) plays a good Spock, not straying too far from what he knows, (logicality and emotional, much to his chagrin, Sylar like) which seems Spock like as well. Quinto made a great Spock
Chris Pine, got the woman chasing part right! as someone who wasn't that interested in the original Star Trek i now want to see the series and movies! I liked Chris PIne in this, which is a rarity.
Zoe Saldana (of Avatar fame) was ok, no wow factor, but ok. like in everything else
overall i don't have that many bad things to say about this movie