Thursday, April 8, 2010

Modern Disney

i don't just review movies, i tell what i think about the industry.

do you remember Snow White and the seven dwarfs? the film made in 1937 and was the first colored feature? not only was it cutting edge back then but it was made with the heart that should be in all movies! Walt Disney (winner of 22 Oscars for either himself or his films) genuinely wanted to make a great movie and not just a cash in or a money grubber.
this tradition continued through Cinderella with it beautiful music and enchanting characters, through Sleeping Beauty with its tremendous visuals that may not seem like much compared to box office success' like Avatar but back then (and when i was little) i loved looking at the detail and all the colors! the dress changing color at the end is memorable and truly felt magical AND the music score it has is great!
Even after Walt died there were still good movie's: The Little Mermaid, Mulan, a Bugs Life, Toy Story, The Lion King, Beauty and The Beast and Shrek! there were others but those are the main players, oh! lets not forget Tron!
then came that wretched word: SEQUEL

now i'm not bashing sequels in general, the Toy Story sequel is one of the few that lives up to its predecessor (and i look forward to number 3), Shrek 2 also did that (although i just didn't see it in Shrek 3).
Mulan 2 was manufactured droll, as was the Cinderella sequel's and that thing with Selena Gomez. they were clearly cashing in on great stories and masterpieces of imagination! but dumbing them down, seriously, i reckon that my generation can be dumber than cave men some times.
The Little Mermaid 2 is one that i haven't seen, so i can't comment on that, but i have seen clips, and i can see that they just didn't put all that much work into it. The Lion King had the same plot as William Shakespeare's Hamlet, but i'll let that off because it maybe unoriginal, but Shakespeare in Disney is a stroke of genius! The Lion King 2, was Romeo and Juliet all over, only in the end the lovers don't die, yet another triumph, i didn't like number 3 though, i just didn't feel it.
Disney went down hill in the 90's, works like Mulan and The Lion King were rare and the only thing that is saving Disney is Pixar (extra emphasis on Pixar) Miley Cyrus' legions of tweeny bopping girls, and ugh... The Jonas Brothers. who, BTW brings nothing new or good to the music industry.
but i'll give Disney this: i think that the Tron sequel might be good.

as Walt Disney once said: "i don't like to revisit past success's, i like to move on to something new" or something to that effect. Disney tends to use the same tired stories over and over, only in a new setting or with new actors... that doesn't make it good!!!
High School Musical was bad, the sequels cashed in on kids who didn't know what real musicals were, and probably still don't. The sequel's used different songs and stuff but they were bad songs in the first place! bitter sweet (very bittersweet), over the top and painfully cheesy. i heard that they're making a fourth. why!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Ever seen Camp Rock? it's one of those movies with an over used and at times non existent plot that cashes in on a popular band (in this case the Jonas Brothers) and makes them act! oh the humanity!!! Joe wasn't too bad but whatever hope he has at an acting career is dashed due to his horrible movie appearances, the JBs are nothing more than box office draws for tween an teen-aged girls who have no lives. and get this: they're making a second one!
Don't even get me started on those twins in The Suite Life series.

yes, i DID watch the Disney channel, but i haven't for sometime, i have a very good memory and happen to remember these things.
Disney is everywhere, they have a theme park that charges too much, mediocre products that spring from the shelves because they have Miley Cyrus's or Zac Efron's picture on them. modern Disney is a heartless organisation that was once great and made movies that had a touch of movie magic, heart and true imagination. Fantasia was a rather long movie with no spoken dialogue, it was all set to beautiful classical music, a heightened bass aould show anger or fear, and treble could show happiness! a true piece of visual and musical art, kids nowadays wont listen/watch to it, but when they're older they'll understand why it is so highly regarded.

they should create a "Classic" Disney channel, because with modern Disney trying so hard to make people watch and/or by their products people so often forget where it all came from.

the films of classic Disney weren't completely original in storyline, BUT it was the execution, the emotion the musical, the voice work and the imagery that made them great and original! look at nowadays. poor execution, poor acting, poor everything! i'd rather see a brilliant Disney adaption rather than an idiotic, SUPPOSEDLY original Disney movie. what about you?



  1. Just pointing out, Shrek isnt a Disney movie.

  2. i always forget that. but nonetheless it was great movie!

  3. I agree with everything you said!

    Do NOT see the TLM 2: Return to the Sea. It's bad!!! It's terrible cause:
    1. same plot; only reversed and kiddiefied!
    2. Melody was annoying.
    3. Terrible animation like Ariel's huge neck, huge butt, and Eric was fat.
    4. Morgana was a pathetic villian.
    5. Ariel repeating her father's mistakes.
    6. Eric was made into a prop. The stupid sequel took away his personality away along with his sexy voice.
    7. Everybody was acting dumber than a rock.
    8. Songs were bad and cheesy. "For a Moment" is a nice song but it's not "Part of your World."
    9. Ariel's sisters didn't appear in the movie at all.
    10. Ariel was mean and uptight (and ugly).
    11. Eric was dumb and a wuss (and too young).
    12. King Triton was dumb.
    13. Flounder lost his cuteness when he grew.
    14. Ariel and Eric lost thier charm when they grew up.
    15. Tip and Dash were poor rip offs of Timon and Puumba.
    16. Scuttle wasn't funny.
    17. Poorly written script (what 18th-century kid says, "totally cool!" or "What's shakin'?").
    18. Anti-climatic. It ruined everything we know and love from the first movie.

    When I watched TLM 2, it was really embarassing and trashy. My brother even said that he wished it talked about how Ursula got banished, instead of Ariel and Eric's retarded daughter.
