Walt Disney would not have been happy, that man was original and made so many classic fairytales what they are, in fact just today we talked about Alice in Wonderland, the disney verison is considered the only version at my school! although the new one is a must see! but the disney version was the first we saw.
i didnt expect much, my friends had been raving over this and i thought that it can't be that bad. i was soooo wrong.
HSM's the plot is unoriginal, it borrows 90% of its plot from Grease and whats more, it has the audacity to even use every stereotype in the book! popular jock falls in love with brainy yet shy girl for some reason, (i'm assuming cos she has a brain), but that just further enhances the stereotype that cheerleaders and popular girls don't have brains.
Zac Efron was not belivable as a straight guy, Vannessa Hudgens played her charcter well, but it wasn't a great character, the only ones who i think knew what they were doing were Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel (Sharpey and Ryan), they might have had stereotypical charcters but at least you found yourself getting a snicker out of them at some moments.
the songs are shit. plain and simple. obvious lip syncers and stupid dances! they phyisically hurt me, i used to like them (4 years ago) but then i found REAL musicals, West Side Story, Rent, Wicked and Easter Parade destroy every piece of crap this movie has spawned and if the tweeny boppers of today would sit down and watch Easter Parade or Grease or Meet Me in St Louis they would see what a REAL musical is. hIgh School musical became a phenomonen, and although its "old news" now (thank god) i still find it coming up in conversation about how great it is and i just want to punch that person in the face.
i will give credit to the movies though, you know why? cos the careers of the cast of HSM will always have this movie, they'll always be known for this movie, no matter how many good movies they make (although i don't expect many) they will have that title following them around. which makes me kinda happy.
if you want a good musical, go and borrow Rent, or Grease or The Wizard of oz! Even the Aristocats. Cats sing better than than the cast of HSM. i know this movie is aimed at kids but c'mon! i doubt that kids will grow up loving these movies, not like classic disney! i'm 14 and just yesterday i watched Alice in wonderland (the original), Beauty and the beast and Cinderella!
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